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Why You Should Visit Japan At Least Once In Your Life

Why You Should Visit Japan At Least Once In Your Life

Nov 12th 2020Tokyo, Japan

Japan is an island country in East Asia located in the northwest Pacific Ocean. It is bordered by the Sea of Japan to the west and extends from the Sea of Okhotsk in the north to the East China Sea and Taiwan in the south.

Japan is an amazing tourist destination as it offers many unique experiences that you would not find in any other part of the world. The culture of this country is an interesting blend of Eastern traditions and Western modernity as it is one of the oldest civilizations and has a stunning and diverse history. For this reason, Japan offers so many different experiences that attract tourists from all corners of the world. In this article we give you six reasons to make a trip to this amazing country at least once in your lifetime.

1. Pristine natural scenery

The first thing is obviously the natural beauty of the country. Even though many people associate Japan with a highly modern country with shopping malls and high-end stores, there are many ways in which Japan is a nature lover’s paradise. If you travel outside of the big and modern cities you will soon discover that the country is home to some of the best natural scenery in the world. Also it has some of the world’s most beautiful waterfalls that can be enjoyed. Mount Fuji is famous all over the world as a place to visit during any season of the year. In spring, the blooming of the cherry blossoms is a sight to behold.

2. Shopper’s paradise

Shopping is another reason why you should visit Japan, more so for the local brands than for the international ones. Tokyo and other major cities have world-class shopping centers as well as traditional markets where you can shop for local handicrafts and souvenirs. If you are travelling to Tokyo, then you should visit the popular areas in Harajuku, Venus Fort and Akihabara. If you go to Osaka, Umeda and Shinsaibashi are also popular shopping destinations.

For gaming and anime lovers, shopping in Tokyo will be an unforgettable experience. Akihabara or Nakano would be the best destinations for you.

3. Japanese cuisine

Even though Japanese cuisine is available around the world, the country attracts millions of tourists every year just to experience authentic Japanese food. Some of the usual experiences are the sushi conveyor belt and sake bars. For many visitors, a trip to Japan provides the opportunity to indulge in some authentic Kaiseki food. Kaiseki is a traditional form of cuisine that has evolved over a period of thousands of years, using ingredients that are hardly found in any other part of the world. Add to it a variety of traditional Japanese drinks and you have an experience of a lifetime waiting for you.

4. Various sports and activities

Adventure tourism is not something that one would associate with Japan, but the truth is that you can find many exciting experiences in this country. The FujiQ Highlands offer unique views and an exciting amusement park.

Whether it is snowboarding or skiing in Hakuba and Niseko, or cycling along the Inland Sea, the options for thrill and excitement are endless. You can also enjoy the Japanese traditional rickshaw ride too.

At any time of the year, Japan hosts a number of competitions and sports events in which you can participate as a tourist. Even if you don’t want to participate actively you can enjoy watching various sport tournaments like sumo or baseball! This is a really unique way to create memories to last a lifetime.

5. Beautiful temples and zen gardens

The temples and zen gardens are incredibly beautiful and if you enter them you really can experience how peaceful and magical these places actually are. The best thing about it is that you can find them almost everywhere in Japan! Inari Shrines are the most familiar ones to Japanese people and they are also known as “o-inari-san”. Thousands of them are spread all over the country. One of the most important Inari Shrine is Fushimi Inari, which is dedicated to Inari, the Shinto god of rice. It is famous for its thousands of vermillion Torii gates and definitely something you have to see at least once in your life!

6. People, society and culture

When you’re visiting Japan you will quickly find out that their behavior is completely different to western countries. People in japan have the attitude to bother the people in their environment as little as possible. You will notice it as soon as you enter the train because it is amazing how silent it is in the train! Everyone is as respectful as possible and also incredibly helpful. If you have a question or seem to be confused about something you will always find someone who can help you! It is difficult to describe a feeling like this with words so you should definitely experience on your own!

How to go?

Only Air can Travel from Bangladesh. And you can contact any Tour Operator for package Tour. Amazing Tours is best Operator in Bangladesh.
